Beat That Niccotine Addiction & Quit Smoking To Enjoy Life More.
Quitting smoking can be hard. For some it is more difficult than for others. Beating that niccotine addiction so that you can quit smoking for good is sometimes easier said than done.
There are many health benefits associated with quitting smoking. Initially the amount of oxygen carried in your blood stream improves to better serve your muscles and organs, and very soon your sense of taste and smell will improve. Other long term health benefits include improved blood pressure, improve immune function, improved lung function and reduced production of phlegm. Quitting smoking will also greatly reduce the risk of developing heart disease and lung disease.
The journey of quitting smoking cigarettes is different for everyone. No matter what path your choose when you make the decision to quit smoking, try the simple tips below to improve your chances of success.
Prepare For Success
Have a clear reason for why you wish to quit. Most reasons revolve around health and money. Write down this reason and place it where it is is visible to you daily. Set yourself a date for when you are going to put your plan into place.
Choose Your Method For Quitting
There are many methods for quitting smoking and there is a lot of help available from a variety of resources. Do your research and choose the method that best suits your personality and lifestyle. Some people choose to go ‘cold turkey’ and others use various forms of nicotine replacement therapy (including gums, sprays, patches, tablets, lozenges and inhalers). There are also many alternative therapies (such as acupuncture and hypnotherapy) that may help some people get through the process of quitting smoking.
Get Ready For Withdrawal Symptoms
Most withdrawal symptoms are caused by the reduced nicotine levels that your body has been used to. Symptoms such as nausea, headaches, anxiety, irritability and having cravings are likely to peak within the first day or so after quitting smoking. Have some tactics ready to manage the symptoms of coming down from niccotine addiction, knowing that they will slowly ease over the first 2-4 weeks.
Know Your Triggers
Be aware of situations that may trigger your urge to smoke and plan ahead to avoid these for the first few weeks at least. If you have friends who smoke, arrange to meet them in a non-smoking venue that requires them to move themselves away from you to smoke. If you usually have a cigarette with your morning coffee, try replacing the coffee with juice or water.
Reward Yourself!
Every single day that you commit to smoking less or not at all, you are saving money and improving your health. With all the money you save you could treat yourself to your favourite activity, food or even a holiday! Every day and every week you succeed at not smoking, give yourself a little reward (such as ice cream or going to the movies). Plan larger reward for further down the track to help with your long term goal of staying cigarette free.
Tell Your Family And Friends
Seek support from your family and friends. Those who don’t smoke are likely to be very supportive and encouraging. Ask those who do smoke if they would mind making their smoking more discreet while around you.
Seek Professional Help
From the Quitline through to quit smoking help that is accessible online, there are many resources available to help you quit. Start by discussing your plans to give up smoking with your local doctor, who can guide you as to which resources are reputable and are most likely to suit your current health and lifestyle.
Cleanse Your Home
After you have smoked your last cigarette, clean your house from top to toe. Throw away any ashtrays, lighters and definitely any left-over cigarettes. Wash all your clothes and rid your home of any old scents of cigarette smoke and enjoy inhaling fresh, clean air as your sense of smell returns.
Don’t Diet At The Same Time
Some people fear gaining weight when they give up smoking. Whether it’s the initial cravings as your nicotine levels reduce or your sense of smell and taste allowing you to once again enjoy food, it is common to have renewed enjoyment of food. Don’t restrict your food intake, as too much deprivation at one time could end up being just too much to bear. Expect and plan for an increase in appetite by having lots of fresh fruit and healthy, nutritious snacks available rather than increasing the amount of fatty or sugary food you are consuming.
Get Moving!
Keep yourself busy and exercise regularly! If you are occupied, you are less likely to start looking for a cigarette. Regular exercise is also an excellent way of relieving stress and improving general health. if you are feeling fitter and healthier, you are less likely to relapse.
Never Quit Trying To Quit!
Quitting smoking is hard for most people. If you find you are tempted to pick up a cigarette, seek further support from your health professional, friends and family or the Quitline. Remind yourself of the reasons why you chose to quit in the first place.
If you do start smoking again, talk to your doctor or the Quitline about why you think you started smoking again and how that could be prevented for future attempts. Set yourself a new quit date with new, improved tactics in place. Niccotine addiction is powerful, so rather than seeing your attempt at to quit smoking as a failure, view it as a way of learning how to do it better the next time. Also be proud that the days that you have spent not smoking have already contributed to improving your health.
Each individual must find the method that suits their lifestyle and personality in order to increase their chances of success. Use all the quit smoking help available to you to start enjoying the health benefits and the financial rewards of quitting smoking.